Jun 4, 20241 min readMaking Contracts Look Simple is Really HardThere’s a common misconception about contracts that complexity equals effectiveness.
May 30, 20241 min readListening is an underused art formWorking with a business attorney can only be effective if the attorney really listens.
May 28, 20241 min readThe Termination Clause: Because Some Clients Are Not Worth HavingBe ready to invoke the termination clause. Life is too short to waste your time on clients who are not worth having.
May 23, 20241 min readDon't Rush Through a Contract and Risk a Serious OmissionIt’s ok to take time to finalize a contract – in fact, most clients worth having will be impressed that you carefully review it.
May 21, 20241 min readDon't give HR training to independent contractorsContractors should not be treated as employees. Otherwise, there's a risk of establishing an employee relationship.
May 16, 20241 min readWatch Out For Limitation of Liability Clauses in ContractsMany business owners are leery of the long sales contracts but want to be protected in case the supplier disappoints.
May 14, 20241 min readHandshakes are not worth the paper they’re written onIf you’ve always done deals on a handshake, are you nervous knowing how litigious our culture is?
May 9, 20241 min readSeizing Opportunities: The Importance of Timely Deal-MakingDon’t wait until it’s too late. Invest in a well-drafted founders agreement that protects your interests and provides clarity.
Feb 29, 20242 min readMaintaining Separation Between Business and Personal15 years ago, Diana hired a lawyer to create a corporation when she opened her yoga studio. In the years since incorporating, she’s been...