The new State of Georgia Rental Assistance Program is accepting applications.
In February 2021 Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced that the State of Georgia received over $552 million in stimulus funds to provide relief to landlords, tenants and utility providers whose finances have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Some metro area counties and cities (those with over 200,000 residents) are receiving their own funding. Currently DeKalb’s program and Fulton’s Program are temporarily not accepting application due to overwhelming requests. The State-run program covers all jurisdictions of Georgia other than those areas receiving their own funding.
Money will be distributed directly to landlords.
Eligible tenants will receive up to 12 months of payment relief. Tenants qualify if they have experienced unemployment or a financial hardship due to COVID-19, demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability, and have household income at or below 80% of the area median income.
What should landlord’s be doing right now: encourage eligible renters to seek assistance. For a renter to be approved, both landlords and tenants must work together and each must submit certain documents. Consider sending a notice to eligible tenants with information about the program and encourage them to participate.
To receive compensation, Landlords must provide the following documents:
Government-issued identification
Proof of ownership such as warranty deed or tax record
Statement of Delinquent rent
W9 and bank information for ACH payment
Tenants will have to provide the following documents:
Government-issued identification
Documentation of annual income such as tax returns, wage statements or benefits receipts
A copy of the lease
A copy of an eviction or past due notice
If you have any questions please contact me at or 404.369.5126.